We ask that fosters try to be committed to fostering an animal until they are adopted. Some animals get adopted quickly while others take awhile.
Foster parents are responsible to bring their fosters to as many adoption events as possible so the animals get exposure to potential adopters. Events are on the weekend in the Katy area. Drop off is normally around 10:00 AM and pick up around 4:45 PM on Saturdays for Petsmart and then 11:30 AM drop off and 4:00 PM pick up on Sundays for Pet Supplies Plus. Times may change depending on events but these are good guideline.
As a foster, we ask that you keep your fosters safe, learn about their personalities, and help prepare them for a new forever home. This could mean working on human and animal socialization, house-training, walking on a leash, and learning commands. On occasion, a foster pet may need to be transported to the vet. Most of all, the fosters just want and need some love!
Just yourself and your home! Almost Home Pet Rescue will provide everything else you need - food, vaccinations, medications, toys, bed, etc.
Fill out the application to apply! You can either fill it out online here: https://almosthomepetrescue.org/apply-to-foster . You can also download the application, fill it out, and then email it to rescueforlife@hotmail.com.
Fosters are almost always needed since we are a foster based rescue. Once you have applied and been accepted as a foster, you will be contacted when a foster is needed. Additionally, check back frequently on the website and facebook page for when urgent foster situations arise.