- Take found pet to any vet to be scanned for microchip for free. If a local vet is not open, an Emergency Room Vet that is open 24/7 will also be able to scan.
- Post the found pet on Nextdoor, and various Facebook pages that help reunite pets. Please be careful when posting as there are scammers. Always ask for proof of ownership if someone says a lost pet is theirs. Facebook pages in the Katy area include:
- Post found fliers in the area where the pet is found
- Keep the pet safe and in a secure location. Even if it's just a bathroom or laundry room that is separated from your other pets - it is better than leaving on the streets. A lot of animals are scared and if placed in the backyard, make sure it is secure - they may try to escape.
- If no owner comes forward in a reasonable amount of time, please consider fostering or finding a foster. Majority of rescues are foster based and this temporary commitment can save the pet's life. Almost Home Pet Rescue is completely foster-based - we cannot take in any animals into the program without a committed foster. If you are able to foster, please see the foster page for more information and contact rescueforlife@hotmail.com for more information.
- If you cannot foster yourself, you can try to reach out to other rescues. Go to https://www.adoptapet.com/ and then email the rescues found in the surrounding areas to see if they have available space.
- There are no "No-Kill" shelters in the Houston area. After 72 hours, the stray hold is considered up and an animal surrendered to the shelter can be legally euthanized. If an owner turns in their own dog/cat, or if you have already had the stray for 72 hours, this holding rule does not apply and the animal can be killed immediately upon intake.
- If you are willing to help the pet find a home yourself, please be aware of the following: